2.1 Why You Should Never Lower Your Standards
Most peak performers have been told they are too demanding or have high standards. The other people who don’t have this attitudinal trait in anything they do believe peak performers are difficult people. However, you must never drop the high standards you demand of yourself and people around you.
Here are things to consider:
There’s reward in doing things the right way: Always focus on the goal instead of focusing on the outcome. Trust the process you have developed and don’t try to get something done in a faster way than usual. It often leads to counter-productive results. Be patient, have strong will and give it time. Never lower your standards, for anyone or anybody. With time, others will respect you for it and bend towards your way.
Quality assurance is a way of preventing mistakes in your work to avoid problems. There are people whose careers involve assuring quality work is done. Being a peak performer will ensure quality work and performance is at the core of your persona.
Peak performers and mediocrity don’t go in the same sentence: Lowering standards means you are dropping the ball and reducing your energy levels. You draw things into your life when you settle for less, meaning you take things you shouldn’t ordinarily take. Have a can-do mentality and unwavering mentality so that mediocrity doesn’t even come to your mind.
Knowing what you want gets you results: Be intentional about what you want and utilize all resources available to achieve your goal. Love what you do, also, so motivation is not an issue.
The opinion of others don’t define you: By being a peak performer, you have a mindset that is quite different from the average person out there. Don’t let the opinion of others affect you, as they are not on the same wavelength as you, and don’t have the same standards as yours. By allowing the opinions of others take hold of you, you lower your standards. Know what you want and go for it, no matter what!